Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Does the world really need another beauty blog?

Back in my late-teens/early twenties I lived the hedonistic dream of being able to spend almost every penny I earnt on clothes, make-up and beauty products.  As I grew older reality took over in the form of rent and household bills and I no longer felt able to justify a £100 high street spending splurge on a whim.

Shortly after my 30th, during the spring clean I'm sure we all have after a big birthday,  I realised my wardrobe was a sad and sparse place . . . . how had it happened that I only owned 'sensible' items in black? Why did none of shoes have heels higher than two inches?  When did the total number of items in my wardrobe fall below thirty?  A re-assessment of my beauty and make-up products/routine left me no happier - I only owned about twenty products and used them all to create the same safe look every single day.

Epiphany complete - I realised that it was time to make a change.  Turning to the internet for help I discovered the amazing world of beauty and fashion blogs, there now being nothing I like more than losing an afternoon to the musings of legends of the (PC) screen such as Khila at Miss Budget Beauty, Zoe at Zoella and Tanya at Tanya Burr

Now, having identified that I am aware that there are incredibly successful and talented bloggers out there - why would I start my own page?  In honesty - I am essentially starting from scratch here as the last (seven?) years of fashion, make-up and beauty have passed me by and I am clueless! I hope that, through this blog, I can learn, meet like-minded people and push myself to change for the better.  

Also, while loathe to stereotype, I wouldn't describe myself as being a likely candidate for a beauty blogger - I have mad untameable hair (often likened to Hagrid), have a strange figure that could (if I lost weight) potentially be an hourglass but I am not sure I will ever know, and am fairly furry, like a Wookie, all over my face and body.  Hopefully my oddities will be of use as they will allow me to try products and services not often reviewed by other bloggers.

I hope that you enjoy my ramblings - I am very new to this and so would appreciate any constructive criticism you have to offer.  Also, should there be any reviews/discussions you would like to see - just let me know.

Here goes nothing . . . . can this duckling be turned into a swan?

Ducky xx

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